Marilyn Ines Rodriguez
Master Sculptor
Teaching Sculpture Classes to ADULTS & CHILDREN in San Francisco, CA since 1996
Voted Best Independent Sculpture Class in The Bay Area!
(Get on our email list & start receiving future class announcements)
List of Classes & Workshops for 2025. (Below find detail description of each)
1- The Human Figure with professional art model - STARTS April 17 - June 2 (Enroll now)
2- The Human Bust with professional art model - TBA
3- The Human Bust Workshop
4- The Hand Workshop
5- The Animal Workshop
6- Adults, Children & family Saturday morning classes - (Enroll now)
7- Painting your Sculpture Workshop
8- Zoom lessons offered
What's different about my classes?
One of the many advantages of taking my classes is the amount of sessions per class. They are designed to give the students the necessary amount of time to actually finish a full figure, not having to choose sculpting a partial body. For example, "The Human Figure Class", is 14 sessions, 3 hours each. It seems like a lot of time, but believe me when I say, you will appreciate every minute of it, & in some cases, you wish you had even more time. Which is a common complaint I hear about other sculpture classes. The length of each class, also allows students to miss a few classes. You can catch up by working faster.
Secondly, unlike any other classes, the morning after each session you will receive an instructional email with more anatomy lessons & illustrations, tips and feedback to help you improve your piece, examples of other classical sculptures, photos of your work in progress, etc.
Thirdly, unlike many other classes, I hire a professional art model for the entire duration of class. And, all materials, tools, clay, model, sculpture stands, etc. are included in your tuition. We also take a 30 minute dinner potluck break where we share awesome international foods & wine.
We are not just a sculpture class, when you join us, you become a part of a community of friendly & dedicated artists who love to sculpt and making connections with other creative new friends. Everyone is welcomed! And please, don't worry if you have never sculpted before. I'm here to help you.
About me
I'm a long time San Francisco resident. I have a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, Marketing & Finance from San Francisco State University. Five years training as a classical sculptor, artistic human anatomy, & two years of stone carving under the tutelage of Master Sculptor Harriet Moore. Teaching adults and children since 1996. Taught sculpture at Waldorf high school for 8 years. Invited several times to give live demonstrations at the California Museum of Legion of Honor. Author of an award winning academic art book "An Artist's Guide, Proportions & Measurement of the Skeletal System", found in Amazon. My sculptures have garnish many awards and prices.
* As of March 2025 tuition will reflect an increased of approximately $3 more per hour due to raising model fees and material costs in general.
1- THE HUMAN FIGURE - with professional Art Model the entire duration of class
April: 17 Thursday, 21 Monday, 24 Thursday, 28 Monday
May: 1 Thursday, 6 Tuesday, 12 Monday, 15 Thursday, 19 Monday, 24 Saturday (optional), 27 Tuesday, 29 Thursday, 31 Saturday (optional)
June: 2 Monday
Learn how to sculpt the HUMAN FIGURE THE CLASSICAL WAY. Unlike many other sculpture classes, you will work with a professional art model the entire duration of class. You will learn artistic human anatomy, skeletal & muscular system, relative proportions, measurements, subcutaneous bone landmarks, tools, armature building, pre-firing preparation, and much more. The education you will receive from all my classes are a head above the rest.
The day after each session I will be sending you an email with more anatomy lessons, superimposed bone structure and musculature system over the model’s body, instructions for the following session, and photos of your piece in progress. My emails are intended to help you improve your sculpture's details, anatomy knowledge, & teach you what's underneath the skin. The more artistic anatomy you know, the more details you will see! Unlike most art classes, this is a small class of only 8 students, which allows me to give each student plenty of individual attention. You will learn artistic anatomy lessons well beyond most art classes. At the end of the course, you will take home a great sculpture made by your own hands.
We take a fun 30- minute break while sharing an abundant and delicious potluck with a variety of international foods, wine, desserts, etc. A savory & relaxing way to make new friends and add enjoyment to your class experience.
All levels of expertise are welcomed. No prior experience is necessary, so please don't feel intimidated if you have never sculpted before.
The tuition includes everything you will need: model, clay, tools, armature, sculpture stands, measuring tools, etc. I have a kiln in my studio in case you wish to fire your finished piece for an extra fee.
It's OK to miss a few classes, life happens, so I have added 2 optional Saturday bonus studio time for those desiring more sculpting time. If you can't attend the last class, I will hollow your piece for a nominal fee depending on the complexity and size of your piece.
Early enrollment is recommended
• Participation in choosing an inspiring and exciting pose
• Relative Proportions
• Skeletal and Muscular artistic anatomy
• Subcutaneous Bone Landmarks
• Correct way to “see” and "measure" a three-dimensional form
• Surface Modeling
• Armature Building
• Experiment with a variety of professional sculpting tools
• Learn how to repair damages before and after firing
• Learn different patinas, paint mediums, and glazes
• Preparation before kiln firing
Tuition: $1,150 includes everything you will need: art model, tools, clay, materials, sculpture stand, etc
Classes: 12 classes + 2 optional Saturday classes with no teacher, just students and the model. Model's fee split between attending students during optional classes
Time: 6:15 - 9:15 PM weekdays, 1:30 - 5:30 Saturdays. For our last class students may come from 5:00 - 10:00
Total hours: 46 hours = $25 per hour
Medium: Clay
Size: 8 students only
Location: MIR Studio, San Francisco, CA 94112 (near City College)
Kiln firing fee: $45 (optional)
How to send tuition to any of the classes: Venmo, Zelle, Cash, check (Bank fees, if any, paid by student)
Students Testimonials
"Mari cultivates an exquisite space that has camaraderie, is fun to learn in away from daily stresses." ~ K. Wong
"I’ve taken 2 classes with Marilyn and both have been very helpful. Doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or have some experience already, she makes sure that you go home feeling happy with your piece and with tons of new knowledge." ~ R. Riego
"I’ve been taking art classes since very young. Marilyn Rodriguez is the best art teacher I’ve ever had. I’ve been taking her sculpting class since May. She teaches us anatomy in class and spends hours editing educational reference photos after each class and share them with us. It’s been such an amazing learning experience! ~ J. Liu. M.D.
Marilyn is a master sculpture and an incredible teacher. I have taken many classes with her and no one else I have ever met understands the body inside and out as it relates how to sculpt it in real life. Her classes are intimate and fun with a great sense of community. You will be amazed at to what you can make under her tutelage. ~ Jen P.
2- THE HUMAN BUST CLASS- with professional art model the entire duration of class
Starts: March 24 through May 1 (11 classes total)- accepting early enrollment
March: 24 Monday, 27 Thursday, 31 Monday
April: 3 Thursday, 7 Monday, 14 Monday, 17 Thursday (optional) , 21 Monday, 26 Saturday (optional), 28 Monday
May: 1 Thursday
The Human Bust class is dedicated to learning how to sculpt a life-size human bust. We hire a professional art model the entire duration of class. It's a great class to start with if you haven't sculpted before, or if you feel a little overwhelmed about sculpting the entire figure. If you have taken the full figure class this class will allow you to practice sculpting a life-size bust & really get to learn the minute details.
We share a 30- minute pot-lock break with savory international foods, wine , sweets, laughs, and make new friends. We hire a professional art model the entire duration of class.
All levels of expertise are welcomed. No prior experience is necessary, so please don't feel intimidated if you have never sculpted before. Unlike many other art classes, this is a small class of only 8 students. Each student will receive plenty of individual attention. It's OK to miss a couple of classes, most students do. Having taken a full figure class is not a prerequisite for this class.
The tuition includes everything you will need: art model, clay, tools, armature, sculpture stands, measuring tools, etc. I have a kiln in my studio in case you wish to fire your finished piece. Optional at $45
This is a small class and the participation of every student counts. Please note that once the class starts the tuition becomes non-refundable, so please make sure to check your calendar prior to signing up for the class. No makeup classes available. It's OK to miss a couple classes. I've added two optional classes for students in need of more time. If Monday falls on a National Holiday classes will be automatically moved to Tuesday.
• Participation in choosing an inspiring and exciting pose
• Relative Proportions
• Skeletal and Muscular System
• Subcutaneous Bone Landmarks
• Correct way to “see” and "measure" a three-dimensional form
• Surface Modeling
• Armature Building
• Experiment with a variety of professional sculpting tools
• Learn how to repair damages before and after firing
• Become aware of different patinas, paint mediums, and glazes
• Preparation before kiln firing
Tuition: $850 includes everything you will need plus professional art model
Classes: 9 classes + 2 optional classes with no teacher, just students and the model. Model's fee split between attending students during optional classes.
Time: 6:15 - 9:15 PM weekdays, 1:30 - 5:30 Saturday
Total hours: 34 hours = $25 per hour
Medium: Clay
Size: 8 students only
Location: MIR Studio, San Francisco, CA 94112 (near City College)
Kiln fee: $45 (optional)
Students Testimonials
"I love these workshops and classes. Best teacher" ~ S. Popham
"It is rare these days to find a true master in classical sculpture who instructs in an intimate environment reminiscent of the way it was done at the turn of the 20th century. Marilyn is a naturalist at heart who guides with detail and confidence, but who also allows the student a lot of space to explore their artistic expression in a structured environment. She understands the process." ~ R.
"Marilyn is a fantastic teacher! The class is very informative and fun. The models are also very professional. Marilyn is extremely experienced and knows just how to guide you, no matter your skill level. Everything is provided for you so all you need to do is show and work on your piece. I was so impressed with finished piece. The class is really enjoyable as well, with a break in the middle to enjoy some shared food and connect with others. I highly recommend this class!! " ~ Hanna B.
Children art classes children art classe
3- THE HUMAN BUST Workshop (We start with a real skull as our model)
In depth study from the inside out of the head, neck, & shoulders
3 hours 6 hours
10 hours 13 hours
16 hours 18 hours
20 hours 27 hours
Starts: TBA
A must class for all artists interested in learning how to correctly depict all the details, proportions, muscles, and anatomical measurements of a HUMAN HEAD, NECK AND SHOULDERS. You will sculpt a life-size bust. We start from the inside out, sculpting a skull first, then we add skin, followed by the face's realistic features, hair, & adding all the prominent bone structure, muscles and fat pads. You will also learn the neck muscles and the correct way to depict clavicles. You will be sculpting a life-size bust. You can be as creative and artistic as you wish. Your imagination is your limit!
Please send me an email to receive future class announcements. Classes fill up. Early enrollment encouraged.
Tuition $775 includes everything you will need
Classes: 9 sessions + 1 optional Saturday bonus studio time (no teacher)
Date: TBA
Time: 6:15 - 9:15 P.M. weekdays + Saturday 1:30 - 5:30 P.M.
Total hours: 31 hours = $25 per hour
Medium: Clay
Size 8 students only.
Location: MIR Studio, San Francisco, CA 94112 (near City College)
Kiln fee $45 optional
"The Head workshop" is an awesome class. I designed it for artists who wish to learn how to sculpt a proportionate and realistic human head, including shoulders. We start by sculpting a skull and learning the names and shape of all the head bones. You will also learn the most important "Relative Proportions" and "Bone landmarks" of the head and shoulders. We use a real human skull as our initial model.
After you finish sculpting the skull you will learn how to add skin, ears, lips, nose, eyes, hair, the correct way. We don't use a life model in this workshop, as our main goal is the understanding of the anatomy, measurements, accurate placement, angles, and relative proportions of a human head and its features, not the rendering of a particular person. I'll teach you how to hollow" so it can safely go in the kiln. You will be taking home a beautiful bust. Don't miss this class!
We take a 25 -minute fun food break where we share food, laughs and get to know each other better. You will have lots of fun while learning in a very creative, supportive and free environment!
Students Testimonials
"After I participated in Marilyn's very informative and fun Head workshop I was able to later sculpt a bust of my Mom from an old photograph. I was very pleased with the results. I couldn't have done it without taking the workshop first. I highly recommend it!" ~ N. Giles
"I have taken the Hand and the Head workshops and they are both terrific. I now understand much better human anatomy and how the bones and muscles help shape the outside. I also learn very useful relative proportions" ~ T. Gant
" I had never sculpted a human bust or any other human part before. This was extremely valuable and fun. I had no idea we would get so far so fast!" ~ C. Hixon
"While Marilyn's sculpture classes are really fun, and I learn a lot, and my pieces turn out so much better than I'd imagined, the classes help me in life, too. Marilyn has taught me to observe, see, and notice more - not just about human bodies, but about everything. It's easier to find more things in life that are interesting ("look at those ears!") and to solve problems more easily because I notice more details I suddenly have more information to work with because I perceive more of what's around me. For instance, after the last class, I got in my car and found myself feeling shapes, contours, and textures in my steering wheel, which I've handled a thousand times, but never noticed before. It opens up a world of wonder, that there's still so much I haven't noticed yet." ~ S. Young
"Through Marilyn's personal attention, I experienced the joy and magic of sculpting. A wonderful experience." ~ K. Lind
4- THE HUMAN HAND - Workshop
A must workshop for all artists interested in learning how to correctly depict proportionate and well detailed hands, because nothing brings down the quality of your work faster than wrongfully depicted hands. You will be learning the hands' bones, relative proportions, shape subcutaneous bone landmarks, palm & finger shapes, joints & knuckles, fingers webs, size and position of nails, fat pads, folds, wrinkles, tendons, surface veins, and many more minute details. The goal is not just to learn the hands anatomy but also to take home a beautiful, artistic, and expressive, larger than life-size hand or hands, depending how fast you work.
We also have a our customary potluck diner break so please bring something to share. You will have lots of fun while learning in a very creative, supportive and relaxed environment.
Tuition: $625 includes everything you will need
Classes: 7 classes with teacher + 1 optional Saturday bonus studio time (No teacher)
Time: 6:15 - 9:15 P.M. weekdays + Saturday 1:30 - 5:30 P.M.
Total hours: 25 hours = $25 per hour
Firing fee: $35 optional
Students Testimonials
"The HAND class was 8 weeks of continuous fun and step by step support from our amazing teacher, Marilyn! We learned all the anatomical details, measurements and proportions of the hand. Each week we shared a yummy potluck dinner/wine with an international flair! The next step is for the hands to be placed in the kiln after they dry out naturally" ~ J.Liu
"I recently completed "The Hand Weekend Workshop" with master sculptor Marilyn Rodriquez. The course was amazing and I can't wait to take much more. You will absolutely get more than your money worth. I finally understand and did a terrific hand!” ~ M. Robinson
“I would like to thank Marilyn for her patience, and easy-going ability to teach me the finer points of measuring, and working the clay from a large gray lump, into something quite beautiful, and balanced. The weekend workshop seemed to go by so very quickly, and yet there was adequate time to ask questions, observe and learn new measuring techniques, and create an extremely pleasing result ...a beautiful sculpture of a hand" D. Barrelier
"To whoever might be interested in The Hand Workshop: It was awesome. I really enjoyed it & with good instruction from Marilyn, I was able to create a hand I liked. I highly recommend the workshop. It was fun!” ~ T. Gantt
"This is what I had been looking for: a specialized subject you knew well and could teach us. It was fun, too!" ~ C. Q.
"This was my second workshop with Marilyn. I was very pleasantly surprised at of how much fun we had and how great my hand came out. Marilyn is a fabulous teacher. I plan on taking more of her classes." ~ S. W.

Learn to sculpt animals. Bring to class Google prints of the animals of choice in different angles. Print a copy of its skeletal system if you find one. No animal is off limit. I've sculpted horse, cheetahs, dogs, elephants, cuttlefish, giraffes, birds, snakes, manta-rays, etc. I will help you,and you will receive plenty of individual attention. You may sculpt as many as you can during the duration of class. You decide on the size and the style you like, I.E. Art deco, modern, realistic, abstract, etc.
Please visit my website & click on "Gallery- Animals", to see examples of my animal sculptures and get inspired. Adults & children over 14 are welcomed! This will be a fun and relaxing class. If you can't attend Dec 10 class, Sat, I can hollow your piece for you. Price depends on size.
Your imaginations is your only limit!
Tuition: $700 Includes everything you will need
Classes: 8 total + 1 optional Saturday bonus studio time (no teacher)
Time: 6:15 - 9:15 P.M. weekdays & Saturday 1:30 - 5:00 P.M.
Total hours: 28 hours = $25 per hour
Medium: Clay
Size: 8 Students
Location: MIR Studio, San Francisco, CA 94112 (near City College)
Firing Fee: $45 (optional)
Students Testimonials
"Mari is a natural teacher and a gifted sculptor. Her classes are informative and enjoyable. She works with both novices and pros to perfect their craft. I look forward to our weekly classes where the time flies by as the magic of creation unfolds. I highly recommend her courses to anyone looking to explore their creative side." ~ J. Pleasant
"Sculpting classes helped me appreciate the beauty of creation and discover my new passion. From my experience, sculpting is the creation process where we can put our body, our soul, and the clay to work to materialize our perceptions and feelings. I was amazed by the results of my first sculpture. Her teaching technique lets you use your best abilities to accomplish great results." ~ V. Machinski
Saturday mornings. Enroll now!
Saturdays, 10:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. or 10:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Ages 9+ - ongoing opened enrollment.Classes for children Sculpture classesChildren art classes
How wonderful it would be if every person would be exposed to the magical world of sculpture? Encouraging then to sculpt whatever they want in a safe and fun environment. They get to choose the subject matter, size, style, etc: people, animals, mythological figures, imaginary creatures, etc. They get to try out different sculpting tools, armature building, hollowing technique, artistic anatomy, etc. I highly encourage every child to bring pictures of the subject they like to sculpt. Not just from one angle, but from various angles. This way I can better help them sculpt a more accurate and proportionate rendition. They get to sign and date their piece after they are finished. Their sculpture will become a cherished family heirloom. This is not your ordinary clay class, nor a pottery class. It's heads above the rest and it is reflected in the quality of the students work. Just look at the marvelous sculptures created by this kids! Their imagination is their only limit!
You will be sculpting from your imagination or, bring prints of what you like to sculpt so I can help you better. Unlike most art classes this is a small class of only 8 students maximum. Each student will receive plenty individual attention. Children's faces are blurred to protected their identity.
My studio has a kiln in case the child chooses to fire their finished pieces. You also get to paint your finished sculpture after it has been fired. Paint and brushes will be provided.
Please confirm your participation for next day class by no later than Friday's afternoon as it helps me prepare the classroom according to the number of students attending.
I have taught sculpture at Waldorf High school in San Francisco for 8 years in addition to these other adult private classes since 1996.
Tuition: $75 (2 hours) or $100 (3 hours)
Dates: Saturday mornings
Time: 10:30 - 12:30 or 10:30 - 1:30 P.M.
Limit: 8 students only
Payment: Due by Friday
Kiln firing: $35 -$45 optional
Students testimonials Children art classes
"Mari deserves 100 yelp stars. Her sculpting class is amazing only because she is such a talent herself and an amazing and inspiring instructor. My daughter really loves this class. We were so impressed with what she made. My daughter is talented but this is beyond sheer talent. This is because the instructor she has is so patient and direct. Her studio is perfect. The class structure is organized. And her home is full of inspiring pieces that Mari has sculpted herself. I highly recommend this class for your young one. I look forward to taking an adult class soon." ~ Y. Franco
Art classes for children
Art classes for children
7- PAINTING YOUR SCULPTURE WORKSHOP (Accepting early registrations)
Starts: TBA
This is one of our most fun workshops. On a warm day we paint outside. Limited to 6 students only so you will receive plenty of one-on- one instruction. All the tools, brushes, sponges, primer, best quality Golden paints, real metal powders, shoe polish, top of the line paint mediums, fixative, etc., included with tuition. Learn how to paint your sculptures to make them look like a bronze. You get to choose the colors you like. I will teach you several technique on how to apply color. You will be surprised how adding color to your sculpture will breath live to your piece. This workshop will make your piece stand out and give it a professional finish. Worth every penny!
Tuition: $100 per sculpture
Date: August 18, Saturday
Time: 1:30 a.m - 5:00 p.m.
Limit: 5 students
8- ZOOM Lessons/Critiques/Feedback
Cost: 30 minutes $60. I offer a one-time trial of 15 minute for free
I've been teaching for almost 30 years. I know from experience, and students feedback, a 30 minutes consultation will help you bring up the level of your work tremendously. You can count on my honest and soft approach in order to help you become a better sculptor. My goal is to help you create a more proportionate and beautiful piece. We focus on anatomical accuracy, from basic proportions to the minute details if applicable. Every student is different. All levels welcomed! Contact me to set a zoom phone call. Email me photos of your piece before our call.
How to send tuition: Cash, check, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle. (Bank fees, if any, paid by student)
Students Testimonials
"Dear Marilyn, I had no idea that so much could be learned from a 30-minute phone call. What you taught me about hands makes me realize that up to this point I have just been lucky in my sculpting pursuits. I now know that I have so much to learn. Now when I look at other sculptors work and the seven pieces I have sculpted with hands I can immediately see where improvements can be made. It is amazing. I am starting my next set of hands soon and can't wait to see the improvements. I'll be back! ~ Sincerely, Goran"
"Mari, thanks for sharing your artist's eye. It's amazing how our 30 minute sessions generated so many improvements to my sculpture. I look forward to working with you on future sculptures. ~ John C"
"My sculpture went from Ok to great with Marilyn's feedback. I hired her for three 30 minute sessions and it was well worth it. Thank you." ~ Joseph R"
"I love these workshops and classes. Best teacher" ~ S. Gethaline
"The first time ever I’ve put my hands on clay was in Marilyn’s “human figure in clay” class in January this year (2023) with a live model. Needless to say, this experience transformed me. It is my favorite time in the week, when observation, absorption and creation takes over any thoughts, worries, pressure and Heaven in Earth. Even when I feel tired at the end of a long day, have a headache or just don’t feel great, the moment I pass the door of Marilyn’s studio, it’s all gone. And when I leave, I feel so alive! It is addictive: I'm in heaven for 3h (that pass like a minute), followed by my best sleep nights, and in the morning, I am already looking forward to the next. Which is way too far away...." ~ S. E.
"Sculpting with Marilyn is an absolute joy. After a hectic week, it is such a stress relief to come and exercise your artistic side with such an amazing artist and teacher. She is there to help and teach you no matter your experience or level. The classes are small so there is ample time for helpful critique and individual instruction. Also, you will make friends with your classmates. Once you take one course, you will discover the inner artist in you and will make this your therapeutic hobby. Finally, you will be interacting with one of the kindest, sincerest, and most talented artists in the Bay Area. You don't want to miss this opportunity!" ~ C. Manios
"I enjoyed my class with you very much. It met all my expectations. Your guidance, patience, expertise and encouraging words helped motivate me in some struggling moments and in completing the class. The process was important, particularly, emphasis on key artist anatomy references. Your students were always helpful and attentive to others. Thank you for the class and a warm and supportive experience. ~ F. Campis
"Recently, had the pleasure of taking a sculpture class taught by a truly exceptional teacher. As someone who had never attempted sculpting before, I was a bit nervous going in, but from the very beginning, our teacher made me feel at ease. Not only was the class well-organized and easy to follow, but the teacher's approach to teaching was both supportive and challenging. She had a wealth of knowledge and experience in sculpture, and her passion for the art form was infectious. One thing that really stood out to me was the use of a live model during our sessions. This was such a valuable experience, as it allowed us to really hone our observational skills and capture the human form in a way that we wouldn't have been able to otherwise.By the end of the class, I was amazed at how much progress I had made. I had gone from feeling intimidated by the medium to creating a piece that I was truly proud of. And I have no doubt that it was thanks to the skill and guidance of our teacher. If you're considering taking a sculpture class and are looking for a positive and supportive environment in which to learn, I would highly recommend this class and teacher. They are the perfect choice for beginners and experienced artists alike." ~ Zhiyin V.
"Mari is a natural teacher and a gifted sculptor. Her classes are informative and enjoyable. She works with both novices and pros to perfect their craft. I look forward to our weekly classes where the time flies by as the magic of creation unfolds. I highly recommend her courses to anyone looking to explore their creative side." ~ J. Pleasant
"You can see Marilyn's work online, so you will already know she is an amazing artist - but the best part is that she is also a fantastic teacher. She offers real, practical assessments that improve work. She runs the class like a salon, there is a lot of playfulness to go with the critique and in the middle of the session, we take a short break with food and wine and conversation. I feel like I've learned a lot in only the 13 weeks I've been there. I will be taking another class and I highly recommend the class to anyone - from beginner to advanced intermediate." ~ K.
"This is a class where a person can get a lot of help and information from a teacher who has a lot of indispensable knowledge of anatomy. I have been in plenty of classes, and I have not experienced students being helped in this way. It also helps that the class is small, and it is not intimidating, and this just increases the opportunity for a person to get personal attention from a knowledgeable person who is naturally willing to help anyway. And sometimes jokes are cracked. It's cozy, and personally, that's an ideal atmosphere for my creativity to manifest" ~J. Rell
"Marilyn's sculpture class was a 3-hour oasis of calm in the midst of a stressful weekly urban routine. No matter the events of the week, I always felt centered and at peace within a few minutes of arriving at Marilyn's studio. Marilyn has a gift for staying out of the way when you're in the flow, but suddenly materializing at the precise moment that help is needed. Her advice was always concise and dead-on. With her ever-present encouragement to "measure, measure, measure", she managed to coax beautiful work from all 7 novice sculptors." ~ J. Hoffis
"This is an excellent class for all levels of experience - from beginners to advance. The class decides on the pose as a group, hen everyone works at their own level and gets individualized instruction from Marilyn. The classes are small and a very nice rapport develops among the students & model & instructor. Marilyn is a superb teacher for many reasons. First of all, she is excited by sculpture and in what we get out of the class, both for the artwork that we create but also for the intangible benefits we get from our conversations and critiques. She is a great believer in the beauty that art brings to our lives, not only the art "piece". I have taken the class twice so far and plan on taking more classes in the future. It is not so easy to have access to a live model for such an extended period of time, & to have Marilyn's experienced instruction on top of that is a great combination." ~ K. C.
"Marilyn is not only talented she is warm, loving, and generous and she clearly has both anatomical and aesthetic understanding of the human figure. I feel nourished and encouraged by her style of teaching. This class offers an intimate setting t in which to explore and evolve in this medium." ~ A. Pearl
"Sculpting with Marilyn cannot be likened to anything else. Whether or not you have sculpted before or not is completely independent to what you get out of this class, and I am not just talking about the actual sculpture! Enlightenment into one's self from a very different perspective and talent flow to greet you and leave you feeling like you can do anything you ever put your mind to. I guarantee you will be surprised with what you take away from this class, and you'll have a new love and respect for yourself and sculpting. I am addicted." ~S. P.
"Marilyn, I love seeing the progress in your career..., and of course hearing from you. Thank you for teaching me that I had within me an undiscovered talent I was unaware of until I took lessons from you. I appreciate you as a wonderful friend, human being, and excellent teacher." ~ Dr. David
"I enrolled in Marilyn's class and what I discovered was a warm, friendly group of people who were enjoying art for the sake of art. Marilyn has an amazing gift in that she knows how to explain and help without taking over and making it her work instead of the students. I learned an amazing amount of information in a short amount of time. I would strongly recommend Marilyn's class for anyone with a love of art. There were people with years of experience and complete amateurs like me. She treated us all with respect and genuine caring. I look forward to taking another class with her soon." ~
D. Rudell
"I look forward to your class so much. I especially love the silent moments when you become so intent on what you're working on that the only thing that reminds you where you are is the sound of the wind chimes... Or is it the wind chimes that help you let go... Maybe they're more like a string holding onto a helium balloon. Regardless, your class offers a peaceful escape from the rest of the world. Thank you for that." ~ L. Steinberg
"She supplies everything one needs. Each student has a say in the pose to be addressed for the course. The organization she has developed over the years makes the experience of being an artist seem so natural. The classes are small and intimate, always very friendly. Lastly, she teaches by example; patience, spirit, determination, humanity, and self-esteem." ~ D.J.
"Sculpting classes helped me appreciate the beauty of creation and discover my new passion. From my experience, sculpting is the creation process where we can put our body, our soul, and the clay to work to materialize our perceptions and feelings. I was amazed by the results of my first sculpture. Her teaching technique lets you use your best abilities to accomplish great results." ~ V. Machnicki
"I highly recommend Marilyn's sculpture class. Of course she is a highly talented sculptor, but more importantly, she is a skilled teacher. She is able to communicate the techniques and strategies that many artists have trouble articulating. Her many years of experience have allowed her to develop just the right balance between teacher instruction and student discovery. I have always been extremely impressed with the student's final products, particularly the students sculpting for the first time. Finally, the icing on the cake is her half-hour wine +in the middle of class - great people and great conversation. I couldn't recommend it all the more." ~ M. Vary